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 1. Adam Waclawski  I Hope It Hurts  sid.oth4.com 
 2. St. John's Lutheran Church, Oxnard, CA, Pastor Mark Beyer  Hope To Cope: Healing Your Hurts, Pt. 1  Hope To Cope 
 3. St. John's Lutheran Church, Oxnard, CA, Pastor Mark Beyer  Hope To Cope: Healing Your Hurts, Pt. 2  Hope To Cope 
 4. The HOPE Network Staff  The HOPE Network Staff - The HOPE Net: What Worked and What Didn't  HOPE Number Six, 21-23 July 2006 
 5. The HOPE Network Staff  The HOPE Network Staff - The HOPE Net: What Worked and What Didn't  HOPE Number Six, 21-23 July 2006 
 6. The HOPE Network Staff  The HOPE Network Staff - The HOPE Net: What Worked and What Didn't  HOPE Number Six, 21-23 July 2006 
 7. Rev. Richard J. Vincent  Hope Springs Eternal: The Theological Virtue of Hope  Easter 2009 
 8. Bud Hunt  The Podcast: NotK12Online: A Scaffold We Hope You Won't Need, But Hope You'll Help Us Build Anyway  http://budtheteacher.com 
 9. Bud Hunt  The Podcast: NotK12Online: A Scaffold We Hope You Won't Need, But Hope You'll Help Us Build Anyway  http://budtheteacher.com 
 10. Stuart Gillespie, Calvary Chapel Stirling  Faith, Hope & Love - Part 3 (Hope)  Source of Hope - Faith, Hope & Love 2008 
 11. Paul Potts  Everybody Hurts  One Chance   
 12. Grateful Dead  It Hurts Me Too  1970-10-30 - Gym, SUNY  
 13. Christopher Sisk  Nothing Hurts Like...  Moments 
 14. Paul Anka  Everybody Hurts  Rock Swings   
 15. R.E.M.  Everybody Hurts  Diana Tribute - CD1  
 16. Spencer Davis Group  Every Little Bit Hurts  Iron Leg Blog   
 17. Default  It Only Hurts  One Thing Remains   
 18. R.E.M.  Everybody Hurts  Automatic For The People  
 19. R.E.M.  Everybody Hurts  Automatic For The People  
 20. R.E.M.  Everybody Hurts  Automatic For The People  
 21. Brenda Holloway  Every Little Bit Hurts  The Very Best   
 22. Dayeene  And It Hurts  And It Hurts  
 23. Brian Patrick  It Hurts Me More   
 24. R.E.M.  Everybody Hurts  Automatic For The People  
 25. R.E.M.  everybody hurts    
 26. R.E.M.  Everybody Hurts    
 27. Love Motel  Nothing Hurts  Mind the Void 
 28. R.E.M.  Everybody Hurts  Automatic For The People  
 29. R.E.M  Everybody Hurts    
 30. Love Motel  Nothing Hurts  Mind the Void 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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